Friday 23 September 2011

park piccallili

I've never been much of a pickler, but when Carmen from Capel asked back in July if anyone could take care of a cauliflower or two, I knew I'd have to give it a go.

Cauliflowers aren't an easy thing to grow, but she and the Capel team had done a great job. Obviously it would be awful if the effort and enthusiasm that went into producing them fell at the pickling post, but I am a die hard laissez-faire cook, so I took my regular approach surfing the net for the least effort to best perceived reward. I appreciate recipes that aren't to restrictive on ingredients!

I plumped for this one, but in retrospect this looks pretty appropriate too, but we were months ahead of the nasturtium seed pods.

It was pretty straightforward - a fair bit of chopping to get the veg diced ready for brining/salting, then a bit of mixing & jarring, and a healthy pause...

Well, now it's been two months, and I have to say it's a thumbs up from me - I had a big dollop of it with some buttery kale from the allotment. Tasty!

Just verified that is also an excellent accompaniment to cheese.

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